Light Painting Utah – Video Number 3

30 07 2009

Hey folks

Thanks for all the positive feedback on my last video.  It seems it really helped to answer some questions about how I do my light painting.  This video is the last video in the series on Light Painting Utah.  It shows how I produced one of my favorite B&W images from the trip: Metate Arch- Devils Garden.  Just a reminder, the video is really an overview of what I do, if you want to have a go at this type of photography I would recommend you buy my eBook for $20 which has almost 90 pages of step-by-step instructions on everything from how to build the lights I use through to the post processing.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video, thanks for all of you that have purchsed my eBook,  I appreciate it.



Seascape Workshop Number 2 Last Weekend

27 07 2009
One of the images produced by participant Shannon Sakovits during the course

One of the images produced by participant Shannon Sakovits during the course

Last weekend I ran my second Seascape Workshop.   Had a great bunch of photographers that spanned a wide range of abilitites.  What is especially satisfying to me is that all the participants seem to get a lot out of the workshop.  While some of the newer photographers might not follow every step of the Photoshop workflow, they certainly understand the concepts and gain an appreciation of what is going on.  The detailed manual and CDROM with videos allow them to replicate it back home at their own pace.

Jakub getting down and dirty

Jakub getting down and dirty

We had awesome weather and gorgeous sunrise again for the shoot on Sunday.  Also my 3 sons stayed out of hospital this time so I could finish the post processing session without rushing things.

I hope the participants enjoyed the workshop as much as I did.

The next workshop is going to be in early September if anybody is interestested (confirming numbers now but I think I will have about 3 spots left).  More information about the seascape workshops can be found here.

Julie composing a shot in-between waves

Julie composing a shot in-between waves

Light Painting Utah – Video Number 2

26 07 2009

Hey there

This is the second in the series of 3 videos.  This video will show the images that I took lightpainting and the post processing techniques to create my Mystical Rock image.  I hope you enjoy.



Twitter Blows!

24 07 2009

OK… Just for the record… Twitter just doesn’t cut it for me…. I like to think of myself as someone who is open-minded, stays up with trends and technology. I gave Twitter another try recently to see whether I was missing something. What a freaking waste of time…. For me Twitter = a whole bunch of mindless crap.

Happy to be flamed….. maybe I’m just a luddite, but for me it was one big waste of time. Blogs are great… they are thoughtful and informative…. but for me Twitter Blows.

Anybody that is following my Twitter account will be dissapointed.